JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (Mendag RI) Zulkifli Hasan accompanied by the Mayor of Palangkaraya Fairid Naparin and the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government conducted a surprise inspection (sidak) of the prices of a number of commodities in the Palangka Raya big market.
"We will see for ourselves the price of goods is still relatively stable, it's just that the price of chicken is rising," said Zulkifli Hasan, who is familiarly called Zulhas quoting Antara.
He said the increase in the price of chicken meat in large markets, which reached a price of Rp.49 thousand per kilogram, of course, it was still experiencing a reasonable price increase.
Because almost three months chicken farmers have suffered significant losses, because feed prices have increased quite high.
With this, the Trade Minister asked for one month, so that the price of chickens can return to normal as in previous days.
"Not to mention the price of cut chicken is very low, it's a pity that the breeders can close later because the price is cheap. Then don't be too high, if possible, the selling price will be stable," he said.
Zulhas also asked the Palangka Raya City Government, so that the local municipal government can subsidize the cost of transporting commodity materials distributed from food collection locations to the market.
With this subsidy, of course, the prices of a number of commodities will be stable and will not increase.
"Subsidies for the cost of transporting commodity materials, both cut chicken and others, can be taken through unexpected funds from the Palangka Raya City Government APBD," he said.
Based on observations in the field, the Indonesian Minister of Trade during an inspection other than asking about a number of food commodity prices at Palangka Raya Market, Jalan Ahmad Yani, he also distributed money to people who wanted to shop at the market.
He even bought 10 packs of chicken meat for people who were shopping at one of the traders who had been waiting for it since dawn this morning.
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