JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir has prepared twin towers to support the new City Center (City Center) in the Monas area, Jakarta, as the plan to move the State Capital (IKN) to Nusantara, East Kalimantan.
"We have big aspirations when IKN will be established, of course, we must also increase the value of SOE assets (in Jakarta). Like this building (BUMN Ministry Office), after moving to IKN Nusantara, it could be torn down later into a new complex that is adapted to DKI Jakarta's plan," said Erick Thohir as quoted by Antara, Friday, May 26.
Erick Thohir understands the need of the DKI Jakarta Government in preparing the Monas area as a new City Center.
Therefore, he said he provided support for the construction of the new City Center by increasing the value of BUMN assets around Monas.
Three high-value SOE assets are located in the south of Monas, namely the Ministry of SOEs Building, and the Danareksa Tower Building which has just been renovated and inaugurated. There is also BSI Tower which is in the process of being renovated.
Erick has asked Danareksa to encourage the consolidation of BUMN assets around Monas to prepare the Property Fund, including Pertamina's assets.
"Danareksa will look for the scheme, where ownership will remain in each (BUMN)," he said.
In addition, the Danareksa and BSI Tower Buildings will also be prepared as Twin Towers (twin tower) which will give more value to the Monas City Center area later.
Erick said that the efforts of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to improve Monas were a big plan that required the support of all parties. The existence of IKN does not mean that Jakarta will stop cleaning up.
In the blueprint of the Acting Governor of DKI, it is stated that the plan to reforestation the Monas area is planned.
The project is the same as when Indonesia hosted the Asian Games, greening the Gelora Bung Karno area.
"With this plan, these two points alone (BSI Tower and Danareksa Tower) are expensive points (values). And we built this Danareksa Tower even with calculations, not styles. The proof is from the target (ocupancing) of 75 percent, it turns out that it is 82 percent. This means it is very feasible," said Erick.
He added that the Monas area will be a very exclusive and interesting area, especially with Monas in the middle.
"As a comparison like the one in New York or London. There is a big city park, here it will be like that later," said Erick.
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