
JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo acknowledged that the stability of the world financial market is still in the shadow of continuing uncertainty.

He made this statement at the press conference of the Board of Governors' Meeting (RDG) which was held today in Jakarta.

"The global financial market uncertainty remains high influenced by the risk of financial system stability in developed countries," he said on Thursday, May 25.

According to Perry, one of the most attention received from investors is the resolution of the government debt melting (government debt ceiling) problem that occurred in the United States (US).

"Amid the uncertainty of the global financial market, foreign capital inflows to developing countries continue along with the better conditions and economic prospects," he said.

Perry explained that Bank Indonesia continues to be committed to strengthening the policy of stabilizing the rupiah exchange rate through triple intervention and twist operations to control imported inflation and mitigate the risk of the global financial market uncertainty.

"In the future, Bank Indonesia predicts that the appreciation of the rupiah will continue to be supported by a surplus of transactions and foreign capital inflows in line with the prospect of strong economic growth, low inflation, and attractive returns from domestic financial assets," he said.

To note, foreign capital inflows in the domestic financial market will continue in the second quarter of 2023.

This indication is reflected in portfolio investment, which until May 23, 2023 recorded net inflows of US$1.0 billion.

"Bank Indonesia continues to strengthen synergies with the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK) in mitigating various domestic and global economic risks, which can disrupt financial system resilience," concluded Perry.

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