
JAKARTA - Pertamina New & Renewable Energy (Pertamina NRE) collaborates with Pupuk Kaltim to develop thorium-powered green ammonia.

This collaboration was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding on Friday 19 May at the Head Office of TOPSOE Lyngby, Mark by the Chief Executive Officer of Pertamina NRE Dannif Danusaputro and Rahmad Pribadi, President Director of Pupuk Kaltim.

The signing also witnessed the Indonesian embassy in Denmark.

This agreement involves other strategic parties who are experts in industry, namely Copenhagen Atomics, Topsoe, Alfa Laval Copenhagen, and Aalborg CSP.

These six companies agreed to work together to carry out studies related to the development of green ammonia through the utilization of small modular reactor (SMR) nuclear power plants with thorium raw materials in Bontang, East Kalimantan.

Amonia hijau merupakan salah satu bisnis masa depan Pertamina NRE. Kami saat ini juga tengah mengembangkan pilot project krogen hijau dan Jamilia Hijau di Sulawesi Utara. Kami sangat enthusiastically dengan kerja sama ini dan percaya kolaborasi ini akan menciptakan nilai yang tinggi, terutama dalam upaya transisi energi serta decarbonisasi," ungkap Dannif yang dikutip Selasa, 23 Mei.

Danif hopes that through this collaboration Pupuk Kaltim and Pertamina NRE can produce green ammonia which can be utilized by 45 million Indonesians.

Not only that, with green energy used, it has the potential to reduce emissions of up to 1.7 million tons of CO2 per year.

The East Kalimantan fertilizer views joint study as an important step towards achieving our sustainability goals. We are honored to be working with industry leaders to promote sustainable practice and contribute to greener planets, "explained Rahmad.

Rahmad added that this initiative is part of Pupuk Kaltim's commitment to innovate to provide environmentally friendly agricultural products.

Just so you know, thorium is a new and renewable energy source and includes nuclear fuels other than uranium.

Based on information from the official website tempat.go.id, Indonesia has the potential for thorium content to reach 210,000-270,000 tons stored in Bangka, West Kalimantan, and West Sulawesi.

This potential provides a very big opportunity for Indonesia to develop and take advantage of it.

This thorium-based green ammonia project will be the first initiative in Indonesia to utilize nuclear power, added Dannif.

With this collaboration, Pertamina NRE further emphasized its position as the spearhead of the Pertamina Group as well as the government's strategic partners in carrying out the energy transition in Indonesia to achieve Indonesia's net zero emissions target by 2060.

Pertamina NRE is committed to running a sustainable business through the application of ESG aspects according to the best practice by continuing to focus on developing new and renewable energy.

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