
JAKARTA - Indonesia is the largest palm oil producing country in the world. Based on data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Indonesia's CPO production could reach 45.5 million metric tons (MT) in the 2022/2023 period.

The amount of CPO production produced will be linear with the abundance of Palm Oil Blanks (TKKS). Where each processing of 1 tonne of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) is produced by 2223% or around 220230 kg TKKS.

If the palm oil industry has a processing capacity of 100 tons / h of FFB and an operating time of 1 hour, it will produce around 23 tons of TKKS. The availability of this abundant TKKS requires solution to overcome it.

"So far, TKKS has been widely used as fertilizer. However, there are still not many diversification forms," said Lecturer of the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) IPB University, Siti Enjoying, in her statement, Wednesday, March 29.

He then made an innovation by making an additional raw helmet from TKKS fiber because it turned out that the TKKS fiber had good mechanical properties and could be used as a filler to improve the physical-mechanical quality of the project helmet.

The product is called an environmentally friendly helmet (GC). In producing helmets, Siti partnered with PT Intertisi Material Maju (PT IMM), Mitra Binaan Surveyor Indonesia located in Rakata, Situgede, West Bogor District, Bogor City.

The innovation in the use of TKKS fiber into raw materials for helmet materials has been patented with the number P00201609159. Commercially, the trademark used is Green Composite Helmet.

The helmet produced has passed the SNI test and has a TKDN score of 71.21 percent.

"The TKDN certification process is facilitated by PT Surveyor Indonesia. In addition, PT Surveyor Indonesia also assists in the funding process for purchasing palm oil banking machines, registering at the Padi UMKM market place, branding training, and including us in exhibitions," said the CEO of PT IMM, Andika Kristinawati.

For raw materials, PT IMM collaborated with PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) VIII in Jasinga, Bogor Regency, to supply TKKS.

"The TKKS processing was also collaborated with farmer groups in Jasinga," said Andika.

At the beginning of the collaboration, he continued, farmer groups were given training related to TKKS processing. Furthermore, they can process TKKS into fiber to become the basic ingredients for helmets.

Before becoming a project helmet, TKKS had to undergo various processes. Initially, the massive TKKS was filled with long fibers by farmer groups.

Usually, the extension of the TKKS takes about one to two weeks.

"It depends on how many orders are requested," said Andika.

After that, the fiber results were mixed with polymer plastic and extracted into small granules. The Granule was then injected into a helmet shell.

The shells then go through a painting process and have only installed various booster elements so that they can be released to the market.

"This is bio-composite, not just polymers. Strengthening natural fibers, and we contribute to reducing TKKS waste. The test results can also reduce collisions," said Andika explaining the superiority of this GC helmet.

Since 2017 until now, GC helmets have been traded to almost all of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke, either through unit orders or preorders (PO). In fact, during the COVID-19 pandemic, helmets sold in the range of Rp. 70 thousand-Rp. 350 thousand were ordered as many as 5,000 pieces for the cyclist community.

"The most expensive full-face motorcycle helmets and the cheapest is project helmets," said Andika.

Currently, there are still many innovations made by IPB researchers. Later, this TKKS can be used as material for making bullet-proof vests, pilin threads, to processing banana stem fiber.

Surveyor Indonesia is committed to having a long-term positive impact on the environment and stakeholders.

Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Rosmanidar Zulkifli, said he was proud of the Partner-in-law of PT IMM who had played a role in protecting the environment through the innovations that had been created.

He added that Surveyor Indonesia helped its fostered UMK advance to class in various ways, one of which was increasing technical capacity in the form of training and coaching.

"We help promote through the PADI UMK application, digital marketing, and participate in domestic and foreign exhibitions. In addition, we also help the TKDN certification process and halal for fostered partners," said Rosmanidar.

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