KXAN Video Captured, Meteor Passes Over Texas And Surroundings

JAKARTA - Viewers of local tv, KXAN, are wondering what's falling from Sunday, July 25 night around Texas. Jeremy Ernst also posted a KXAN video taken from his car's dashboard camera as it crossed the street, of a celestial object like a fireball appearing to fall and emit light and then just disappear.

It was like fireworks that only flashed for a few seconds in the air, then disappeared. Until now there has been no official explanation of the phenomenon.

Meanwhile the American Meteor Society has several reports of a fireball in the sky before 9 p.m. Sunday, July 25, which was also visible from a number of states such as Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana.

NASA defines the fireball as an astronomical event for a very bright meteor that is spectacular enough to be seen over a very wide area. Although it has yet to be confirmed, the report is considered "still awaiting a decision", until the public can review it.

Meteors themselves can be expressed as the appearance of the path of falling debris from outer space objects into the Earth's atmosphere. The appearance of the path of the fall of this splinter which is commonly referred to by ordinary people in Indonesia as a shooting star.

The Perseids meteor shower, which causes meteors to be seen brightly in the sky, is ongoing in the Northern Hemisphere through August 24.