A Good Example From The Arits In Banyumas, Wearing Masks Even In The Rice Fields Because According To Kyai
BANYUMAS - What this craftsman did is worthy of emulation. Even though he was in a quiet place from observation, this man still complied with health protocols by wearing a mask.
This man was met by the Regent of Banyumas, Central Java, Achmad Husein. The Regent was surprised because there were craftsmen wearing masks even though they were not wearing t-shirts.
"This afternoon I met a craftsman, I was stunned because his body was naked and he was wearing a mask… So I approached him and asked "why are you disciplined in such a quiet place with prokes (wearing a mask)", said the Regent of Banyumas, quoted from his Instagram account @ir_achmadhusein, Monday, 26 July.
The man's answer was very simple. The Regent of Banyumas was amazed.
“The answer is simple, 'I obey the Kyai, now wearing a mask is worship. Congratulations to yourself and others, because there is a lot of worship, so the sustenance is smooth", said the Banyumas Regent, imitating the man's answer.
"Mr. Kyai's teachings are very good, if everything is like this, the country is safe", the Banyumas Regent responded.
The Banyumas Regent's post was re-uploaded on the Instagram of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.
"We also wear masks in the fields. Nderek dawuh (Follow the order in Javanese) Kyai…. The residents of Mr. @ir_achmadhusein in Banyumas, are good right?", said Ganjar Pranowo in the description of his upload on Instagram.
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) previously appealed to the entire community without exception to wearing masks so as not to contract COVID-19.
This was conveyed through a 20-second video uploaded on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube on Sunday, July 18. In the video, Jokowi is seen practicing the use of masks.
"Ladies and gentlemen, at this time are all required to wear masks", Jokowi said in the video upload.
Jokowi is optimistic that Indonesia can face the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, several ways to suppress active cases of COVID-19 have continued to increase lately, such as the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) and vaccinations continue to be carried out.
"We can definitely face this pandemic. Indonesia certainly can", he said.
Indeed, President Jokowi previously admitted that he was disappointed with the lack of optimal health protocol or health protocol campaigns, especially the use of masks in the community. In fact, the main health protocol using masks is the key to preventing the transmission of COVID-19.
"As I asked from the start, BNPB is working really hard on matters related to giving masks to campaign masks that I haven't seen until now", Jokowi said in a video uploaded to the Presidential Secretariat's Youtube, Saturday, July 17.
According to him, the surge in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia occurred in family clusters. Therefore, it is necessary to study other strategies to suppress the spread of the Coronavirus.
"Once again, please do a more detailed study of the blockage. The key is precisely the matter of wearing masks, the discipline of the process of wearing masks, especially", he said.