Attorney General's Office Commemorates Bhakti Adhyaksa Day, Mahfud MD Alludes To There Are Naughty Prosecutors Here

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, said that the Attorney General's Office was starting to adapt to public control and be more daring. However, he did not deny that there were still naughty prosecutors.

"Of course there are still rogue prosecutors here and there, just like in other institutions, there are always naughty prosecutors", said Mahfud in his written statement to commemorate the 61st Adhyaksa Service Day, Thursday, July 22.

However, disciplinary action and law enforcement for Adhiyaksa Corps personnel have been carried out transparently.

Mahfud also mentioned that political disturbances often attack the Attorney General's Office. However, he asked this law enforcement agency to be brave to face it.

In addition, several other improvements that are starting to appear are the merit system at the Attorney General's Office. According to Mahfud, current promotions and mutations have been controlled by an information technology system that can be monitored by the public.

He said that there were indeed several internal parties within the Attorney General's Office who complained to him because they were not placed according to the results of his assessment. However, according to Mahfud, this usually happens.

"It's normal that some are dissatisfied and some are satisfied. The important thing is that the institution is solid, the fence must be tight so that those who can breakthrough can be very light", said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

Finally, Mahfud advised that moral development for the employees of the AGO must be strengthened. This is intended to prevent elbows from happening within the Adhyakasa Corps.

In addition, he also asked the Attorney General's Office to continue to maintain their personnel. "To be sterile from intervention and collusive", concluded Mahfud.

Attorney General Shows Achievements

Attorney General, ST Burhanuddin, showcased his work achievements on the 61st Adhyaksa Bhakti Day. Achievements ranging from Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) which reached hundreds of billions to the prosecution of cases.

For PNBP in the period from January to June 2021, it was recorded that the Prosecutor's Office received more than IDR 300 billion.

"The realization of PNBP in all areas of the Prosecutor's Office reached a total of more than IDR 300 billion", said Burhanuddin in his statement, Thursday, July 22.

Then, in the field of general crimes, Burhanuddin said hundreds of thousands of cases had been handled throughout the Attorney General's Office.

Of which, 56,987 cases have entered the prosecution stage and 43,962 are in the execution stage.

"For the implementation of online trials, the number of trials that have been carried out is 339,090 trials. The achievement for stopping prosecutions based on restorative justice is 46 cases", he said.

Meanwhile, in the special crime section, Burhanuddin said that during 2021 around 2,957 have been handled. Thousands of cases were divided into several stages.

"The number of handling cases that have been carried out is at the investigation stage of 860 cases, the investigation stage of 847 cases, the prosecution stage of 645 cases, and the execution stage of 605 people", he said.

From the cases handled by investigators, various assets have also been confiscated. In fact, the nominal reached IDR 14 trillion.

"The confiscation of assets has also been carried out with an estimated value of more than IDR 14 trillion", said Burhanuddin.