Consider Emergency PPKM Ineffective In Suppressing The Spike In Cases, Labor: Government Must Find Other Ways

JAKARTA - The labor union rejected the plan to extend the implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Limitation (PPKM). This is because the restrictions on activities that are currently being implemented by the government are not effective in suppressing the surge in COVID-19 cases in the country, which has gone crazy.

Dion Untung Wijaya, Head of Foreign Relations of the Federation of Textile, Clothing and Leather Workers Unions-All-Indonesian Workers' Union (FSP TSK-SPSI) said the government must look for alternative policies from Emergency PPKM.

"Even the emergency PPKM did not show a significant reduction in COVID-19 cases. Even though it is almost the 20th and tomorrow is the last for emergency PPKM," he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, July 19.

According to Dion, although the very strict Emergency PPKM has been implemented, the positive number in Indonesia continues to increase. In fact, Indonesia is currently considered the epicenter of COVID-19 in the world.

Dion said that with the current spike in cases, the union considers that PPKM is not working effectively. Therefore, said Dion, his party rejected the plan to extend the PPKM.

"This means it will be less effective if it continues. Maybe we should think about other ways to suppress this COVID-19 case," he said.

Dion gave an example of one way to reduce the rate of the spread of COVID-19, namely by strengthening surveillance in the community. Especially at the RT/RW level.

"In my opinion, PPKM is not effective, it requires quite a lot of energy and costs," he explained.

If the Emergency PPKM is extended, according to Dion, the impact will make it more difficult for the community. Because, he said, there are still many residents who need to make a living by relying on daily income.

"The effect will definitely make the life of the Indonesian people more difficult. Because everything is limited, but the stomach can't be limited to its needs. That will make conditions in society more difficult," he said.

Therefore, Dion said, it is better for the government to consider or find other ways to reduce the number of COVID-19 so that it will decrease even more.