1.184 Million Sinopharm Vaccines From China Arrive At Soekarno Hatta Airport Transported By Garuda Indonesia Aircraft,

JAKARTA - Indonesia has returned to stock vaccines today. A total of 1.184 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine have just arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport. With the arrival of the vaccine today, a total of 5.5 million Sinopharm vaccines have been imported to Indonesia.

President Director of PT Kimia Farma Tbk Verdi Budidarmo said the arrival of this vaccine was a collaboration between Kimia Farma and Sinopharm. The Sinopharm vaccine will be used for the needs of the COVID-19 Gotong Royong (Mutual Cooperation) vaccination.

"This afternoon, Indonesia received 1.184 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, equivalent to 592 thousand vials. The COVID-19 vaccine produced by Sinopharm arrived on a Garuda Indonesia plane. This is the fifth stage of the series of Sinopharm vaccine arrivals for the Mutual Cooperation vaccine", he said in a press conference virtually, Monday, July 19.

Furthermore, Verdi said that the arrival of the vaccine is part of the vaccine supply contract between Kimia Farma and Sinopharm of 15 million doses of vaccine for the need for mutual cooperation vaccination.

"Currently, 5.5 million Sinopharm vaccines have arrived. This is part of the target of securing and injecting 20 million doses through the Mutual Cooperation vaccine option in 2021", he said.

For your information, the Mutual Cooperation vaccination program is a vaccination program through companies that buy vaccines from the government and then inject them into employees and their families.

Cumulatively, Indonesia has received a total of around 142.7 million vaccines consisting of 115.500.280 Sinovac vaccine raw materials and 27.224.720 doses of finished vaccines from Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, and Moderna.

The government itself has injected the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to 41.673.464 people and vaccinated the second dose of 16.274.150 people. Meanwhile, the total vaccine target is 208.265.720 or 70 percent of Indonesians.