How To Improve Children's Immunity Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The immune system is like a child's body's defense mechanism against disease. When the body is healthy, the immune system means it is working optimally. But there are times when the immune system drops so that children are susceptible to illness. In this current pandemic, keeping the body's immunity fit is a must, especially for children.

There are many ways that parents can do to increase the child's body's power to fight various germs, viruses, and bacteria. These efforts can improve their body's defense system by adopting healthy habits.

In a national webinar held on Friday, July 16, entitled Choosing the Right Nutrition for Children, How to Boost Immunity Amid the Covid 19 Spike, organized by the Abhipraya Insan Cendekia Indonesia Foundation (YAICI) and PP Muslimat NU, one of the speakers, Dr. dr. Meta Hanindita SpA.KK describes four things that parents can apply in maintaining their child's immunity during the current pandemic. What are these efforts?

Meet the needs of milk

Breast milk or formula milk is the right drink to maintain a child's immunity. The reason is, breast milk contains colostrum which acts as an antibody for the little one. Even formula milk contains complementary nutrients such as Omega 3, prebiotics, probiotics, and DHA which also support children's immunity.

Unfortunately, some people still give sweetened condensed milk to their children because they think sweetened condensed milk is milk. Giving sweetened condensed milk as a substitute for breast milk or formula milk is not appropriate because sweetened condensed milk contains more sugar than the nutrients needed by children.








Provide nutrient-rich food

Children need macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, as well as micronutrients including vitamins and minerals to support their immune system and growth and development. The ideal diet is to apply a balanced diet that varies and meets the needs of children. By providing the right nutrition, it can increase the child's immune system during the pandemic.

Prioritize bedtime for children

Adequate sleep is also important in maintaining a child's immunity during a pandemic. A study showed that lack of sleep can make a person more susceptible to disease by reducing natural killer cells that can attack microbes and cancer cells.

Hj. Zaskia Adya Mecca, one of the resource persons in the webinar also explained that children who are sleep deprived are prone to disease. This is based on his own personal experience, where two of his children were exposed to COVID-19 when their immune system was weak due to lack of sleep.

Take care of your child's happiness

One of the factors that can increase the body's immunity is a happy heart. If the heart is happy, antibodies can work optimally to maintain the body. The role of parents and the surrounding environment is very influential in determining the feelings of the child's heart.

Invite children to play outside the house once in a while to keep their mood stable and pay attention to health protocols. Inviting children to remain active in activities is also one way to increase the child's immunity and prevent them from a Sedentary Lifestyle.