
Health is a priceless treasure. When someone is exposed to a disease the top priority that is done is treatment and healing. To carry out treatment requires a certain amount of funds. If funds are available, this is not a significant problem. On the other hand, when financial conditions fluctuate, the presence of insurance such as BPJS Kesehatan is very meaningful. So said, Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, MSc, PhD, AAK, as the President Director of BPJS Kesehatan.


There have been many testimonies that have been distributed through printed and electronic media, even by word of mouth about the work that BPJS Kesehatan has done in helping the healing process of its members. It is not uncommon for people who are in the healing process to be financially heavy when they rely on their personal pockets. By participating in the BPJS Kesehatan program, the large costs have been resolved. Patients and families no longer need to think about paying for hospital fees.

The principle of mutual cooperation applied by BPJS Kesehatan makes what has been difficult to become light, what was previously impossible for the poor, to be possible. Those who are well off should carry out their obligations to pay BPJS dues on time, and that can save the lives of their less fortunate siblings. Through BPJS Kesehatan, the state is here to ensure health insurance for every citizen.

Especially during the pandemic, which will end at some point, the economic situation is very difficult. Many companies have cut their work relationship with their employees because of financial difficulties. When a person is exposed to a disease, it will certainly be a double burden. At times like this, if someone is registered as a participant in health insurance such as BPJS Kesehatan, the heavy burden will be shared.

As an institution, the BPJS received additional assignments from the government during this pandemic. According to the man who likes table tenin, there is an additional role that BPJS Kesehatan plays in an effort to help overcome those affected by Covid-19.

Ali Ghufron Mukti (Photo: Irfan Meidianto, DI: Raga / VOI)

BPJS Kesehatan has an online application called PCare aka Primary Care BPJS Kesehatan. Through this application PCare agents pick up the ball to record those exposed to Covid-19. When data comes in about people exposed to Covid-19, the PCare agent goes straight to the location where the patient is being treated.

"BPJS has been assigned by the government in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. We are tasked with helping to collect data, including verification and billing and reporting of Covid-19, especially for patients who have been hospitalized, "he said while informing that until April 6, 2021 the bill had reached Rp. 39.22 T. A very fantastic value.

In addition, BPJS also assists the Ministry of Health in the efforts to identify vaccinations massively by the government and will continue to be carried out. "This data collection uses an application built by BPJS Kesehatan. The BPJS ambassadors conducted data collection using the PCare application, "he said.

Through this application, the process of collecting data on participants or people who will be vaccinated will be easier and more organized. When it comes to reporting, it is also simpler because everything has been programmed.

Not only getting to the data collection and then verification, when the vaccination participant undergoes a follow-up event after vaccination, the PCare agent can also provide assistance. "When someone experiences complaints after vaccination, we are also asked to handle them in collaboration with the Ministry of Health," he said to Edy Suherli, Iqbal Irsyad and Irfan Meidianto who met him at the BPJS Health Headquarters, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta, Monday (12/4 / 2021).

The man who was born in Blitar, East Java, May 17, 1962 revealed various problems regarding BPJS Kesehatan. Including how they encourage the hospital to improve the quality of its services. And what is no less important is the drastic change in BPJS Kesehatan, which has been shuffling around in financial matters, slowly but surely this situation is getting better. In addition, Ali Ghufron also shared his tips on balancing work with sports, enjoying art and so on. This is the recipe he runs in maintaining a balance between duties and activities of a personal nature. The goal is to increase productivity.

BPJS Innovation in Providing the Best Service

No different from companies in general, BPJS Kesehatan is also oriented towards excellent service to its members. Various innovations were made to make it better from day to day. In the case of queues for example. "Before being inaugurated by President Jokowi as the President Director of BPJS, we had received complaints from the public. One of the complaints raised was about queues. We strive to improve service quality with technological innovations by reducing queuing times. We are also developing a pinger-print that coordinates with the Ministry of Home Affairs, "he said.

The Solo and Surabaya branches have implemented this new system. Initially in a room the queue could reach 200 people. With this new system the crowd can be controlled. There are only about 5 people in the waiting room.

Not only that, BPJS Kesehatan will use facial identification. By scanning a face or photo, a person's membership in the BPJS Kesehatan program can be identified. "What already exists is Mobile JKN, BPJS Care Center, Voice Interactive JKN and administrative services through WA. Everything is done to improve service to members. In the future, we will also develop a claim process with Artificial Intelligent or better known as AI. All of this is done to improve services to members, "said Ali adding that these various services were developed to make it easier for participants.

Ali Ghufron Mukti (Photo: Irfan Meidianto, DI: Raga / VOI)

Ali hopes that all BPJS Kesehatan members can download the JKN Online application. Through this application a variety of information and services can be found. "Anything can be asked of our officers who are always on standby. Including if someone is still asking about what diseases BPJS Kesehatan can all be found in the JKN Mobile application, "he said.

So what diseases are covered by BPJS Kesehatan? "Basically, almost all diseases are covered by BPJS Health. Try to compare it with other private insurance, what is there with a very wide coverage of services at a very low cost. Because of that we wish that all can be helped by mutual cooperation. Everyone is obliged to participate in this program, "he said.

Some say I've never been sick, but how come you have to keep paying BPJS Kesehatan dues? Getting a question like this Ali straightforwardly explained. Like its philosophy when we are not sick, what happens is to help other brothers who need our help. The old helps the young, the wealthy helps the needy. The healthy helps the sick and so on. “Remember that no one is never sick. Especially if the age is 55 years and over, there will definitely be a disease that will stop by, "he said.

Ali did not deny the increasing interest of BPJS Kesehatan participants to the hospital. However, during this pandemic the figure has dropped dramatically. If it is not necessary, people will not go to the hospital. Before the pandemic the patient growth chart never went down. In fact, people can sort out what is necessary and what is not. However, after the pandemic ends, it is predicted that BPJS Health participants will return to the available health facilities to increase. "Remember to prevent it is far better than cure," said Ali, who once served as Chair of the Covid-19 Research and Innovation Consortium at the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency.

Ali and his staff are determined that all BPJS Kesehatan participants can be served entirely without discrimination. "We want all BPJS Kesehatan participants to understand their rights and obligations as participants. We want the public to maintain and understand that health is expensive. It is wrong to understand that health (costs) are free with the existence of BPJS Kesehatan. So we must protect them so that we don't get sick. Even if you are sick, you have membership in the Health BPJS, ”he said.

The Coroba pandemic caused many BPJS Kesehatan members, both corporations and individuals, who had difficulty paying. For this problem, said Ali, they provide relaxation and easy payment policies. Payment can be made in installments.

Drastic Changes During the Pandemic, BPJS Health Can Already Breathe

BPJS Kesehatan's image as a company that loses money is slowly changing. Uniquely it happened when a pandemic hit Indonesia. The financial condition of the BPJS in 2020 is slowly improving.

"We appreciate the directors and all ambassadors of BPJS Health and also government officials who change in such a way that in 2020, especially in December, there will be a surplus of Rp. 18.7 trillion. But we must remember that this is a cash flow surplus. As a social insurance that is a public legal entity, BPJS Kesehatan has obligations, if there is a claim from the hospital it must be paid. There is also an outstanding claim, which is still in process. There are also services that have been provided to participants but have not been claimed by the hospital. Apart from that, there are also debts and other things that amount to around Rp. 25 trillion. So that in net assets BPJS Kesehatan is still a deficit of around Rp. 6.3 trillion. So we can start breathing, but the overall obligation is still a deficit, "he explained.

Ali Ghufron Mukti (Photo: Irfan Meidianto, DI: Raga / VOI)

Ali asked for the support of various parties so that this good trend can be maintained and in the future it can be even better.

This condition is inversely proportional to 2019. At that time, according to Ali, BPJS Kesehatan had experienced defaults to the parties that became partners. “We have indeed experienced defaults. But now if there are parties who feel that they have not been paid, we will solve it immediately. So that we can solve it, "he stressed while adding the conditions from the hospital or partners that there were no administrative problems.

Jokowi's chosen BPJS Health Master

Ali Ghufron Mukti started his career in the world of health from studying as a student at the Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta. In 1986 he became a student and in 1988 he completed his studies. After that his studies continued, he took a Master of Science degree at The Department of Tropical Hygiene, Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand and graduated in 1991. Not satisfied with his master's degree, he still continued to the S3 level.

This time he won the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Doctoral program at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Newcastle, Australia. Of the many titles he holds, there is one title that is most relevant to his duties as President Director of BPJS Kesehatan. Namely his expertise in the field of Family Medicine and Health Insurance Expert (AAK).

His track record as a professional to a bureaucrat is also his own record. Ali started his career as Director of Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC) 1999-2008. At the same time he was also entrusted as the Head of Health Insurance Management and Financing Policy, Master of Public Health Sciences Program, Faculty of Medicine, UGM 2000-2008.

Ali Ghufron Mukti (Photo: Irfan Meidianto, DI: Raga / VOI)

In 2002-2004 he was also trusted to be the Secretary of the Public Health Doctoral Program, Faculty of Medicine, UGM. After being the secretary, he was appointed as the Head of the International Masters Program in Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, UGM 2004. Then in 2016 he was trusted to be the Head of Health Join Committee, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.

Still around UGM, in 2008-2011 he served as Dean of the UGM Faculty of Medicine. In 2011 he moved to Jakarta by joining the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and was trusted to be Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia from 2011 to 2014. After Minister of Health Endah Rahayu Sedyaningsih passed away, he was promoted to acting as Plt. Minister of Health.

Ali's progress in the world of education is not only in the country, but also abroad. He is often a guest lecturer and examiner at universities in various countries, such as Harvard Medical School, Coventry University, United Kingdom. Then at Tokai University, Japan. Ali's progress was also recorded at Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherland. Then at Newcastle University, Australia, University of Malaysian Nationality, Taichung University, Taiwan, Health Service Academy, Pakistan, Dhakka University, Bangladesh.


When the National Health Insurance was to be established, Ali was entrusted with being the Chairperson of the Working Group on Preparation for the Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program in Indonesia (BPJS Kesehatan).

After completing his duties as Deputy Minister and Acting Minister of Health, Ali Ghufron returned to campus. This time he won the trust to serve as Chancellor of Trisakti University Jakarta. However, when Jokowi was trusted to lead the PBJS Health, he could not refuse. Apart from this because this is a challenge and historically he was the one who formulated the concept of BPJS Kesehatan and also BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. He also released his position as Director General of Science and Technology Resources and Higher Education (SDID), Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). He and the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board (Achmad Yurianto, Chairman of Dewas) were just appointed on February 22, 2021.

Together with the new Board of Directors and chairman of the Supervisory Board, he is working hard to make the performance of BPJS Kesehatan better than before. A tough challenge that he will fight with all his might. Not only him and his ranks, President Jokowi and the public in general also hope that a lot of Ali Ghufron Mukti and his team can carry out their duties smoothly.

Tips to Balance Between Work and Refreshing

There are many ways you can do to balance activities at the office with activities at home that are supportive and make the situation more relaxed, relaxed and refreshed. Ali Ghufron Mukti holds the principle that health is not everything, but without health everything is meaningless.

To maintain his health, Ali regularly exercises. And for him this sport has another function as well as self-actualization with other parties (friends). "We can mutually express, joke and if necessary make fun of each other. And can scream out loud. That can't be done in the office, ”he said with a smile.

Ali Ghufron Mukti (Photo: Irfan Meidianto, DI: Raga / VOI)

Ali loves all kinds of sports. However most often table tennis and tennis courts. He joined many tennis clubs whose activities were not only in Jakarta. "Last week we played tennis in Solo, Central Java," he said.

Apart from exercising, Ali also took care of his food intake. "Not all foods must be consumed, choose the ones that are really beneficial for our bodies. Reduce fatty food, indeed fatty food is delicious, but if it's excess it can be not good for health. More vegetables and fruits should be consumed so that the body is healthier, ”he continued.

One more thing Ali's way of doing anything is having fun. "Doing something happily has a different effect when we do it because we are depressed. Whatever our profession, do your job with pleasure. I am happy to work at BPJS Kesehatan. I am happy when I can help other people, "he said.

For art for Ali only for expression. And in matters of art this often gets ridicule from his wife. "My wife used to say that you are good at singing, but it would be great if you didn't have to sing," he chuckled. However, despite the scathing comments like that, he still sang. For him, the world of art, especially singing, can be enjoyed to relieve fatigue from work routines.

Also through the art of sound, Ali tried to turn the taunts of his colleagues who were doctors into a call to the contrary. "So my friends who are doctors make BPJS songs taste telo. This is a mockery because they were slow to get paid. But that was before. Now we change the call by making the song BPJS Kesehatan Rasa Duren, BPJS is cool, "he said. Through the art of conveying, messages are felt to be more fluid and easier to accept without the recipient feeling patronized and intimidated. That is the advantage of art that Ali Ghufron Mukti uses to convey messages to the public.

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