PLN Transport Trucks Stuck In Sidewalks In The Kalimalang Area, East Jakarta
JAKARTA - A tronton truck loaded with electric transformer belonging to PLN was found stuck on the sidewalk around Jalan Raden Inten, Kalimalang, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta, Thursday, March 14, morning.
The truck is suspected to have been involved in an overload while maneuvering left towards Bekasi. This incident caused traffic jams in the area along Jalan Kalimalang, East Jakarta from the direction of Bekasi and vice versa.
Although the wheels of the tronton truck were stuck on the sidewalk for up to a few minutes, the speed with which the truck returned to normal after the sidewalk was demolished to evacuate the truck.
Head of Laka Satlantas Satwil East Jakarta, AKP Darwis Yunarta said the case was not a traffic accident so it was not handled by his party.
"It's not an accident case. It (the truck carrying) a transformer belonging to PLN wants to be taken to Karawang. The police escorted it," he said when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, March 14.
Meanwhile, because the tronton truck was only stuck on the sidewalk, it was not handled by the Laka Unit because it was not categorized as a traffic accident case.
"It's not an accident case so it's not included in the info. We'll check first," he said.
Meanwhile, after being successfully evacuated, the truck resumed its journey towards Bekasi under the supervision of the police.