バンユマス - インスタグラムで自殺した32歳のRSは、ボーイフレンドに最後のメッセージを書いた。自殺は彼の恋人と別れたと疑われています。
Banyumas Police Chief Kombes Pol Edy Suranta Sitepu through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the National Investigation Unit of the Investigation Unit of the Investigation Unit of the Investigation Unit of the Investigation Unit of the Investigation Unit of the Investigation Unit of the Investigation Unit of the Investigation Unit of the Investigation Unit