JAKARTA - Former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights in the SBY era, Denny Indrayana appreciated the steps taken by the Constitutional Court (MK) which did not choose a criminal route, but sent a letter to advocate organizations to respond to his tweets regarding the decision on the election system case.
"My appreciation is because the Constitutional Court does not choose a criminal route, uses the state's forced hand, which means giving space for freedom of opinion and conveying ideas," said Denny Indrayana as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 15.
Denny explained his tweets as an academic, namely Professor of Constitutional Law. As an academic, Denny said that he had the obligation to disseminate his ideas to enlighten the public.
If brought to the ethical issue of the advocate profession, Denny continued, he is of the view that public control is needed to oversee the performance of judges.
"I have said that for the condition of our law enforcement system, which is still not ideal, there are still many legal mafia practices, public control is needed to guard the performance of our judges in order to bring justice," said Denny.
One of the public controls he is referring to is through public campaigns and media campaigns.
Previously, Denny Indrayana claimed to have received information about the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the legislative election system which would return to a closed proportional system or party voting.
"This morning I received important information. The Constitutional Court will decide on the legislative election to return to a closed proportional system, again choosing the party's image mark," Denny said via a tweet on his Twitter account @dennyindranaya, Sunday (28/6).
Then, after reading the verdict at the Constitutional Court Building, Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Saldi Isra said that the constitutional panel of judges at the Hakim Consultative Meeting (RPH) took a stand to report former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Denny Indrayana to the advocate organization.
"We at the Hakim Consultative Meeting have taken a joint stance that we, the Constitutional Court, so that this can be a lesson for all of us, will report Denny Indrayana to the advocate organization Denny Indrayana is in," Saldi Isra said at a press conference at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Thursday.
Regarding whether or not to report Denny Indrayana to law enforcement officials, Saldi Isra said that the Constitutional Court would not report him to the police.
"We at the Constitutional Court chose not to go that far," he said.