In Order To Encourage Electric Motor Growth, Gesits Collaborates With IBC

JAKARTA - Gesits, a local electric motorcycle manufacturer, has collaborated with PT Indonesia Battery Corporation (IBC) to encourage the use of electric motorcycles in the community.
Gesits and PT IBC work together in developing a standardized electric motorcycle ecosystem to support national energy security and accelerate the integration of electric vehicles.
This collaboration was also marked by the launch of Battery Asset Management Services (BAMS) which was carried out at the Coordinating Office for Maritime Affairs and Investment in Jakarta on Monday, June 12.
"We hope this collaboration can improve the electric motorcycle ecosystem and increase public interest in switching to the use of electric motors," said Bernardi Djumiril, President Director of WIMA, as quoted by ANTARA on Wednesday, June 14.
BAMS is an electric motorcycle ecosystem platform that includes components such as batteries, replacement stations, charging, and applications that can be used by various converted electric motorcycle brands or motorcycles.
With this collaboration, Gesits expressed its readiness to continue collaborating in accelerating the electric vehicle program, not only in the production sector, but also in building an electric motorcycle ecosystem in Indonesia.
"We appreciate and support IBC in its efforts to accelerate the electric motorcycle ecosystem," said Bernardi.
With the presence of BAMS IBC, Gesits electric motorcycle users will have better access to battery infrastructure, including battery replacement stations and charging. This will provide an option for the public to buy separate motorcycle units without batteries.
Sales of separate batteries can make the price of electric motorcycles more affordable. This is in line with the manufacturer's vision to provide high-quality electric motorcycles at affordable prices.