
JAKARTA - The National Police's Special Task Force (Satgasus) held a meeting with the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo to prevent corruption within the ministry.

The meeting with Menpora Dito Ariotedjo and his staff took place Monday (12/6). This is the first meeting related to efforts to prevent corruption within the Ministry of Youth and Sports," said member of the National Police's Corruption Prevention Task Force Yudi Purnomo as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 13.

Yudi said the meeting was chaired by the Deputy Task Force for Corruption Prevention of the National Police Novel Baswedan, followed by a number of members of the Task Force, including Afif Yulian Miftach, A. Damanik, and Aulia Postiera.

According to Yudi, during the meeting the Minister of Youth and Sports was very open, had reformist ideas, and had the same anti-corruption spirit as the National Police's Corruption Prevention Task Force to prevent corruption in the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

During the meeting, there were several things that were conveyed by the National Police's Corruption Prevention Task Force to the Menpora regarding what the Task Force would do in an effort to prevent corruption, starting from anti-corruption education, improving governance starting from detection, action, and monitoring activities.

"In the future, there will be further discussions with the Ministry of Youth and Sports regarding the technical tasks of preventing corruption that will be carried out jointly between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Task Force," said Yudi.

It is hoped that from the assistance provided by the National Police's Corruption Prevention Task Force, the Kemenpora environment will become a corruption-free and pilot area for other ministries, agencies or institutions.

The former KPK investigator said that the corruption prevention carried out by the Task Force was also carried out in other ministries, such as the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Ministry of Trade.

Yudi, who is also the former chairman of the KPK Employee Forum, added that what the National Police's Corruption Prevention Task Force was doing was an effort to prevent corruption that caused a budget leak or abuse of authority in ministries and institutions.

"This is a direct order from the National Police Chief who wants the National Police to support the government's program so that there are no obstacles, including in this case from acts of corruption," said Yudi.