
YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever experienced mouthwashing? Of course it makes you panic and curious. What do you think if the mouthwash is swallowed? Is it dangerous for us? Let's find out!

In fact, mouthwashing will not cause danger if it is swallowed in a small amount, which is approximately 1.2 mL. However, it is different if this keeps happening. Chemicals in mouthwash can lead to health problems.

The following is the content that is often found in mouthwash and the effect when swallowed in large quantities.

Chlorhexidine glueconate

Chlorhexidine glueconate is a substance that plays an antiseptic role. Another kind of antiseptic, this substance works to eliminate germs in the mouth.

When you gargling, chlorhexidine gluconate will leave an unsafe feeling in the mouth. Excessive use can cause irritation to the stomach so that various indications arise, for example nausea and vomiting.


Usually, the contents of ethanol or alcohol contained in mouthwash are between 5'25 percent, depending on the brand of each mouthwash. The use of mouthwash with large ethanol content can increase the risk of oral cancer.

Not only that, but the alcohol component with mouthwash is greater than the alcohol listed in other wines or beverages.

Metil salisilat

You must be familiar with the cold sensation when gargling with mouthwash. This sensation comes from the content of methyl salisilat or menthol. Generally, this substance is listed in medicine to get rid of pain.

Metil salisilat can cause poisoning if swallowed in large quantities. The early indications caused are hot sensations in the throat, digestive problems, sweating, and fever.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is often used as a content of mouthwash. This substance plays a role in reducing irritation of the mouth, reducing dental caries, and eliminating dental plaque.

Although hydrogen peroxide in mouthwash is comfortable to use in small quantities, this substance can cause poisoning if absorbed in large quantities.

The Effect Of Swallowing Mouthwash

The effect of swallowing mouthwash is very varied, depending on the large number of mouthwash drugs being swallowed. If you guys talk about it in small amounts, it could be an indication that it only causes stomach pain or nausea.

However, if the mouthwash is swallowed in a fairly large amount, this matter can have an unfavorable impact on the body.

Mouthwash that has larger toxic materials, such as alcohol and methyl salisilat, will have a more serious impact.

If you accidentally swallow a small amount of mouthwash, don't panic. It could be that there will be an impact of discomfort on the stomach, but generally this will disappear by itself.

On the other hand, if more mouthwash is swallowed, don't delay seeking medical help.

So after knowing what if the mouthwash is swallowed, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!