
The police have not been able to confirm Bahar bin Smith was the victim of the shooting of an unknown person (OTK). This is because investigators are still gathering facts and clues regarding the allegation.
"The reason is that we are currently finalizing the legal facts that exist legal acts that are adapted to the facts in the findings obtained by the investigators in the investigation process," said Bogor Police Chief AKBP Iman Imanuddin to reporters at the National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency, Wednesday, May 24.
In addition, the investigative team is also still waiting for a forensic doctor who is reviewing the results of the post-mortem from the hospital.
The data will prove the cause of Bahar bin Smith's injury.
"We are still waiting for the results of the forensic doctor's examination to explain from the existing post-mortem," he said.
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With the investigation process not yet completed, Iman has not been able to conclude whether or not there was a shooting of Bahar bin Smith.
"Yes, we will see later after everything is full, what the findings will be, we will inform you as soon as possible," said Iman.
Bahar bin Smith admitted to being a victim of the theme of an unknown person in Kemang, Bogor Regency, Friday, May 12, at 21.45 WIB.
As a result of the incident, Bahar bin Smith is said to have suffered a wound to his stomach. He has reported the case. The report is registered with the number LP/DishB/V/2023/SPKT/POLSEK KEMANG/BOGOR/WEST JAVA REGIONAL POLICE.