2 Active ASNs In Bandarlampung Join Nyaleg, Bawaslu Recommends To Be Crossed Out

BANDAR LAMPUNG - Bawaslu Bandarlampung revealed that it was found that prospective legislative candidates (caleg) with the status of state civil servants (ASN) were carrying out administrative verification supervision carried out by the KPU.

"Until now, the results of our findings are only two ASN who are included in the list of candidates for political parties," said Bandarlampung Bawaslu Member M. Asep Setiawan, quoted by ANTARA Wednesday, May 24.

He said that at the administrative verification stage for this candidate, Bawaslu carried out close supervision at the Bandarlampung KPU office, where the results were found that ASN nominated as a candidate, but did not attach a letter of resignation or retirement.

"Of course we will re-investigate this administrative verification process to ensure that in the future there will be no problems in holding elections," he said.

He also said that he would immediately coordinate with the Lampung Bawaslu regarding the findings of the two ASN who are running for legislative candidates.

"We will coordinate with the leadership of the Lampung Province Bawaslu whether this legislative candidate will be crossed out or not," he said.

Asep also emphasized that every state civil servant (ASN) should not participate in practical political activities, so that Bawaslu will continue to carry out inherent supervision of this administrative verification process.

"Administrative supervision will continue, so that there are no problems that escape the supervision of Bawaslu," he said.

He said this was done to anticipate the events in 2019 where there was one legislative candidate whose status was still an ASN, but already used the attributes of political parties.

"So these things must continue to be monitored, until later there will be improvements," he said.

Meanwhile, Bandarlamung KPU member Fery Triatmojo said administrative verification of candidates from the nomination information system (silon) had been carried out since Tuesday, May 23, with a total of 695 candidates.

"For documents that we verify, such as ID cards, certificates of physical, spiritual, and drug health, as well as court documents from prospective candidates. After being verified, the KPU will provide the status of fulfilling the requirements or not meeting the requirements," he said.