Kulon Progoの後、RT / RW 000 Gunungkidulで330人の有権者が見つかりました

GUNUNGKIDUL - The Election Supervisory Agency of Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, found 330 voters for the 2024 General Election having their addresses at Rukun Tetangga 000 and Rukun Warga 000 so that they were carried out again.

Head of Gunungkidul Bawaslu Tri Asmiyanto said that his party had observed the RT/RW 000 address of voter data included in the Voter List while the Results of the Improvement for the 2024 General Election.

"The result of the funeral is RT/RW 000 in the Identity Card which says 000 and the Identity Card is empty," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 22.

He said another finding of voters with the RT/RT 000 address was known in the region but now it is not present at the location.

"The hamlet-based environment does not recognize, including the ID card there is RT/RW but it still says 000," he said.

Tri Asmiyanto said the Gunungkidul Bawaslu personnel ensured that they went directly to the field to ensure these findings. This is in the context of maintaining the voter's voting rights.

"We immediately jumped into the field. So that the voter's voting rights are maintained because they are already on the voter list. It's just that the user's address element is incomplete," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Gunungkidul KPU, Ahmadi Ruslan Hani, said that the Population Data for the Potential Election Voters (DP4) was from the Ministry of Home Affairs. This is the basis on the written KTP.

"On the findings of voters having their addresses at RT/RW 000, most of them were completed in the time of the bulk. We also coordinated with Disdukcapil," he said.

As is known, the DPSHP for the 2024 General Election in Gunungkidul was 614,460 voters. Consisting of men as many as 300,280 voters and women as many as 314,180 voters.