Acting Governor Heru Reminds KJP Can Be Revoked If Students Are Caught Smoking

JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Harotno wants the distribution of the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) to students in Jakarta to be right on target. Heru did not want problematic students to receive assistance.

One of them is if the recipient of the aid is caught smoking, the KJP will be revoked. This was revealed by Heru when giving a speech at the Provincial Working Conference (Konkerprov) to III of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) of DKI Jakarta for the XXII Service Period in 2023.

"I ask the Head of the Education Office, if the student who gets the KJP is caught smoking, the KJP must be revoked. This is so that the city can give it to other children because the local government's ability is limited," said Heru at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Friday, May 5.

In this case, Heru is worried that the child will abuse the KJP assistance provided not for educational purposes. One example is the purchase of this cigarette.

"The task of teachers in DKI is at least listening to children's stories while looking at the condition of this child. Moreover, the students get KJP, how simple is the clothes shabby, right? There is already a KJP. Until or not? Maybe they buy cigarettes," he said.

Furthermore, Heru asked teachers to provide special sessions to chat directly and openly with their students every day. This is also a way to ensure the implementation by students is right on purpose and on target.

"Simple saja saya minta, kita kan ada KJP, pastikan itu sampai kepada mereka. Bagaimana cara, (luangkan) 5 menit bagi setiap guru di setiap kelas setiap hari panggilan panggilan, minta mereka cerita apa saja," ujarnya.

This discussion, he continued, needs to be done to increase openness and minimize the misuse of facilities that should be used to support teaching and learning activities.

The teacher's challenge, including our challenge, is a secret discussion. For that I will travel schools starting Monday. School children bring cellphones right at school that need to be watched out for. Don't let him see things that have nothing to do with learning," he added.