Immigration Reveals 10 Years Passport Can Only Be Given To Indonesian Citizens A Minimum Age Of 17 Years
Head of the Class I Immigration Office of Non TPI Palangka Raya, Mulyadi said, the validity period of the 10 year passport applies to Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are more than 17 years old.
"Paspor 10 tahun hanya dapat diberikan kepada warga negara yang sudah berusia lebih dari 17 tahun. Khusus untuk Anak Berkejaregaraan Ganda (ABG) masa berlaku passport tidak mengikuti masa berlaku yang baru tapi disesuaikan dengan jangka waktu anak tersebut dalam memilih citizenship," kata Mulyadi di Palangka Raya, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng), Kamis 4 Mei, disitat Antara.
This provision is in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Permenkumham) No. 18 of 2022 amendments to Permenkumham 8 of 2014 concerning Passports promulgated by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Yasonna H Laoly September 29, 2022.
Article 2A states that the validity period of ordinary passports is no longer than 10 years after being issued and ordinary passports with a maximum validity period of 10 years are only given to Indonesian citizens who are 17 years old or married.
"For example, if ABG's 19-year-old child is during passport replacement, then the passport validity period is 2 years. The age of 21 is the maximum age limit for ABG to determine his citizenship," he said.
He said the passport registration requirements were Electronic Identity Cards (E-KTP), Family Cards (KK) and birth certificates.
Mulyadi added that the cost still remains the same, namely Rp. 350,000 for ordinary passport types, and Rp. 650,000 for electronic passport types. He said, with the validity period twice as long as the Directorate General of Immigration (Ditjenimigration) hopes to make it easier for passport applicants, so that it only takes 10 years to get travel documents abroad in the form of Passports. "With the increase in the validity period of Passports, we also urge all passport holders to be able to better protect their travel documents," he said.
Because, he continued, if the passport is lost, a fine of Rp. 1 million when he wants to ask for a passport again. He also reminded every Passport applicant to first register using the M-Passport application to get a arrival schedule to the Palangka Raya Immigration Office.
"The application is very easy to use, register, then applicants upload documents, specify date of arrival, pay using the Banking application, everything can be done easily," he said.
He also hopes that the public can make maximum use of the m-passor service which is one of the conveniences of the passport application process.