
The General Elections Commission (KPU) has determined and announced the results of the direct presidential election contestation on Wednesday, March 20 yesterday. As a result, the Prabowo Subianto - Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair won with 96,214,691 votes from the total vote of the 2024 presidential election of 164,270,475 votes or 58 percent. defeating the Anies-Muhaimin pair with 40,971,906 votes and the Ganjar-Mahfud pair with 27,040,878 votes.

With the results of this recapitulation, the KPU will ratify Prabowo-Gibran's victory in June after giving the contestants the opportunity to file a dispute dispute over General Election Results (PHPU). After there is a decision from the dispute in the Constitutional Court, the winner of the 2024 presidential election will be determined.

As is known, the KPU has provided the opportunity for 3x 24 hours of submitting a presidential election dispute to the Constitutional Court. It is known that Anies-Cak Imin has submitted a case application on Thursday, March 21 at 00.58 WIB online. The case was registered with case number 01-01/AP3-PRES/Pan.MK/03/2024 and the lawsuit was submitted to Ari Yusuf Amir, Sugito and Zaid Mushafi. Meanwhile, Ganjar-Mahfud filed a lawsuit on Saturday 23 March at 16.53 WIB with registration number 02-03/AP3-PRES/Pan.MK/03/2024. The applicant's attorney is Maqdir Ismail, Yanuar P. Wasesa, and Todung M. Lubis.

Saturday, March 23 at 24.00 WIB, the Constitutional Court has officially closed the registration of a request for a dispute over the results of the presidential election. In addition to the two pairs of candidates who filed a presidential election dispute. The PPP party whose votes did not meet the threshold also filed a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court. The existence of a dispute at the KPU Constitutional Court awaits the results of the Constitutional Court's decision, before declaring a definitive pair who was declared official as President and Vice President as a result of the 2024 presidential election.

Even though the victory has been in hand, Prabowo Subianto realizes that his future government journey will face many challenges. Although declared the winning pair of the presidential election. His party's vote is in 3rd place still under the votes of the PDIP, so that the strength in Parliament is still not dominant. In terms of obtaining the seat of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, it did not even control 50 percent of the seats.

Map Of Coalition Power

If calculated the strength of Gerindra and its coalition parties in parliament can currently be matched by the combined strength of their rival parties, even slightly stronger. There were eight parties carrying Prabowo-Gibran participating in the elections, but only four parties passed the threshold threshold of 4 percent, namely Gerindra with 86 seats, Golkar with 102 seats, the National Mandate Party (PAN) with 48 seats, and Democrats with 44 seats. The number of seats for this coalition is only 280 votes.

Meanwhile, the rival coalition, from the Anies-Cak Imin pair camp, was supported by the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) with 53 seats, the National Awakening Party (PKB) with 69 seats, and the NasDem Party with 69 seats. The number of votes of the three political parties reached 189 seats. Plus the supporting party of the Ganjar-Mahfud pair, PDIP with 110 seats and PPP who are still being fought for, the combined votes of the two camps reached more than 300 seats. So that in calculating the power count in parliament 280 to 300 seats.

In addition to hard work to balance strength in parliament, because countably the parliamentary strength of the position of the government coalition party is still outnumbered with opposition. Although people say that it is good for democracy with a strong opposition. Still, for the Prabowo-Gibran government camp with a smaller strength in parliament, it will make it difficult for the flexibility to move its government policies. So that Gerindra moved quickly as soon as the NasDem Party and Surya Paloh stated that they accepted the election results and congratulated Prabowo-Gibran's victory shortly after the KPU declared the results of the recapitulation. One day from that statement, Prabowo immediately visited the NasDem headquarters in Gondangdia. As if Prabowo wanted to amplify the recognition of the NasDem General Chair.

At least Prabowo sees several parties on the rival side who can be worked on and withdrawn to join his camp at least being able to work. Those who clearly congratulated Nasdem and PPP. Among the ranks of the Prabowo-Gibran pair believed that several parties could be invited to join in time. That's why once it was stated that the winner of the Prabowo presidential election moved quickly to embrace his rivals, including when the chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, was heard expressing his congratulations on his victory. Prabowo in a matter of hours immediately visited NasDem's headquarters in Gondangdia, Central Jakarta.

NasDem's statement of attitude had sparked the disappointment of the Amin team which led to the lowering of the NasDem flag at the coalition office. They considered that NasDem was no longer in line with the change. Because when the Amin coalition was still struggling to file a dispute over the General Election Result Dispute (PHPU) dispute to the Constitutional Court, NasDem unilaterally issued a statement.

Surya Paloh himself in a meeting with Prabowo has not explicitly stated to join Gerindra, even though Prabowo openly invited him to join. Surya conveyed with his winged comments that at the meeting he wanted to maintain good friendship. He and Prabowo and their other elites wanted the suppression of development progress to run well.

Nasdem, PKB And PKS Still In The Coalition For Change

Responding to the shock in Amin's camp at the Prabowo-Surya Paloh meeting, the Secretary General of NasDem, Hermawi Taslim emphasized that they are still in the Change Coalition. About the question that NasDem will join or remain in opposition? The opportunity is still fifty-fifty, currently as stated by Surya Paloh before. "We still have 7 months to think about it. We can't necessarily decide on the DPP, we have to have a dialogue with grassroots, with 514 DPP and with 2000 DPRD members in the regions so that the decisions we take are in the same direction and perpendicular," he said.

Meanwhile, Amin's team spokesman, Iwan Tarigan, confirmed that so far the PKB NasDem, and PKS are still in the O1 Amendment coalition. According to Iwan, his party respects the right of the Nasdem party to determine its choice. According to him, the Coalition contract with NasDem has a limit, namely until the presidential election is complete, after that each has the right to make a choice. Yesterday the KPU has made a decision, but we object. The Constitutional Court ensures that there must be certainty whether the decision is accepted or rejected, if the decision is accepted, then NasDem still has to fight together in Tim Amin. However, if it is declared rejected, since then the contract is complete. NasDem can legally go anywhere. Iwan also emphasized that until yesterday NasDem still sent a team of lawyers to the Constitutional Court.

Apart from NasDem, those who stated that they had congratulated Prabowo-Gibran's victory were the United Development Party. Unfortunately, PPP was declared unsuccessful because it did not meet the 4 percent threshold / threshold requirements. Currently they are still chasing to save their votes by filing a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court. PPP believes that their vote count results meet the threshold and even exceeds.

Responding to that, the Deputy Chairperson of PPP, Rusli Efendi stated that the presidential election had indeed been completed. But his party has a problem that it states that it does not meet the 4 percent threshold. Even though in our calculations we have fulfilled that's why we filed a lawsuit against the Constitutional Court. "That's our focus at this time. Regarding the relationship, our Ketum greeted Prabowo, who the KPU announced as the winner, I think it's a good culture and tradition. But so far we haven't focused on it", he said in a conversation on TVOne.

Gerindra spokesman, Wihadi Wiyanto, said that the presidential election was considered complete. But from there the contestation left polarization in the community. That's why his party wants to invite all elements of the nation to join hands to build an advanced Indonesia. That's the platform from Prabowo to embrace together all elements of the nation. Responding to the steps of Gercep Prabowo to embrace parties outside the Advanced Indonesia Coalition. Political analyst from Paramadina University, Ahmad Khoirul Umam said, on the one hand there are those who are gercep, there are those who are ashamed of cats. From the Prabowo himself really needs accommodative politics. Because however, the strength of element 02 is practically an accumulation at 42-45 percent. For the position in the future Prabowo as the president's news elected requires at least 65 percent of support, if SBY is 70 percent, Jokowi is even up to 80-90 percent of support.

According to Umam, seeing the meeting between Prabowo and Paloh yesterday, he analyzed that the meeting was not a sudden meeting. The meeting was the result of previous operations. When Paloh had a meeting with President Jokowi, Paloh also secretly held a meeting with Prabowo.

According to the Strategic Working Team Prabowo Subianto - Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Bahlil Lahadalia, seeing the political battle between Prabowo and Surya Paloh was only a battle in the presidential election, he believed there would be a party joining the Advanced Indonesia coalition. When asked to mention which party wants to join. "My filing will exist, the characteristics of the party are cool in color," he said.

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