
JAKARTA – Israel is currently facing great pressure regarding the one-month-old Russia-Ukraine war. The country was required to side with Ukraine, because President Volodymyr Zelensky was a Jew.

Zelensky was the first Ukrainian President of Jewish descent. He was born in Kryvyi Rih, which during the Russian Empire was the only area where ethnic Jews were allowed to live. Like most Ukrainian Jews, Zelensky's ancestral past was marked by the Holocaust when the Nazis invaded Ukraine.

So far, Israel as Zelensky's home country has not reacted to the Russo-Ukrainian war. Whereas demands that Israel help with diplomacy, build emergency hospitals, and donate Iron Dome weapon technology as a missile deterrent have been loudly shouted by the Jewish community around the world.

Demonstration in Tel Aviv, Israel against the Deer-Ukraine war. (The Times of Israel/Thomas Nueberg/Flash90)

In the city of Tel Aviv, several demonstrations were held in front of the Russian Embassy. Protests containing demands that Russia immediately stop attacks on Ukraine are always shouted by the demonstrators.

“Putin is the Hitler of Today”, “Stop Putin, Stop War”. The banners bearing such an exclamation were carried by the demonstrators in front of the Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv. The demonstrations have been going on since the first Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Contradictions of the Israeli PM and Foreign Minister

In a speech at the graduation ceremony for officers of the Israeli Joint Forces (IDF) in a region in Southern Israel on February 24, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett expressed sympathy for the tragedy that befell Ukraine.

“The world order as we know it, is currently changing. The world is unstable, and our territory is changing every day. These are difficult and tragic times. Our hearts are with the Ukrainians who are caught in this situation," said Bennett, Israeli Prime Minister in his speech quoted in The Times of Israel.

Bennett's statement contradicts the stance issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yair Lapid. Foreign Minister Lapid strongly condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Even the media in Israel said that Yapid's condemnation was the strongest statement from Jerusalem against Moscow.

"Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a grave violation of the international order," Lapid lashed out at Russia, just hours before Prime Minister Bennett addressed the IDF.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett meets Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on March 6, 2022. (The Times of Israel/Kobi Gideon/GPO)

In a scathing speech via zoom in front of the Knesset or the Israeli Parliament, on March 20, President Zelensky repeatedly uttered the word "Holocaust", while criticizing Israel for choosing to remain silent. Zelensky hopes that Israeli assistance is the ultimate solution to the struggle against Russia.

“Ukraine and Israel face the same threat from their respective enemies. The complete destruction of our people, our culture, our country, even the name: Ukraine, Israel," Zelensky said in his speech.

The president, who is a former top comedian in Ukraine, also reminded the Knesset that February 24, which was the start of the Russian invasion, was the date the German National Socialist Workers' Party (NAZI) was founded.

"Just as the Nazis did, Russia is destroying entire countries and trying to commit genocide," Zelensky said.

Stepping Carefully

All kinds of assistance for Ukraine that the United States and its NATO allies provide, plus economic sanctions against Russia, are believed to have no effect on the actions of the Red Bear Country.

This has been proven by the sanctions of America and its allies against North Korea and Cuba that have been in place since the 1950s, but have not changed anything. North Korea and Cuba remain firm in their respective ideologies.

The United States as a leader, does not dare to risk World War III against Russia, which has threatened with nuclear weapons. NATO members did deploy troops but were not deployed to the battlefield in Ukraine.

NATO troops are only stationed on the borders of each member state. Weapon aid sent to Ukraine was actually very small. All that was done because Ukraine is not a member of NATO.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, delivers a zoomed-in speech before the Israeli Parliament, Knesset on March 20, 2022. (YouTube Screenshot)

Israel also took a very cautious approach. They condemned Russia, but did not sign a binding UN Security Council Resolution. Humanitarian assistance was provided, but not military.

Israel prefers to act as a mediator, with Bennett visiting Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin on March 6. This attitude is not without risk. Israel is very likely to be ridiculed by other nations because of its ambiguous attitude. Very different from when they faced Palestine.

Meanwhile, Zelensky, with his Jewish background, wants a firm stance from Israel. The President even asked the Ukrainian Jews who had returned to Israel to return to Ukraine and join the war.

Five Factors Triggering Israel's Doubt

Israel must be careful in determining its attitude, because of five factors that could potentially incriminate them if they made a wrong move. First is Russia's position as a major supplier of Iranian nuclear technology and raw materials. If Israel makes a wrong move, it is not impossible that Russia's faucet for nuclear assistance to Iran will be widened. Obviously, it endangers Israel, which is at war with Iran.

Second, Russia is the main supplier of weapons to Syria, a neighbor that does not get along with Israel at all. Russia could provide Syria with the help of the world's most advanced anti-aircraft system, the S-400, which would clearly limit Israel's movement in its neighboring country. Israel does not want that to happen.

The missile defense system, the Iron Dome, is what Israel hopes to provide for Ukraine in the face of the Russo-Ukrainian war. (Wikipedia)

Third, Russia is now the main power in the Middle East, no longer the United States. Russia also has air and sea bases in Syria which are the main bases in the Arabian Peninsula. Russia is also seeking to expand its influence in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and many other Middle Eastern countries.

Fourth, in Russia and Ukraine, there are large ethnic Jewish populations. Their welfare, security, and relationship with Israel as their ancestral land are very well guarded. They are given the ease to migrate.

The fifth is the most important. Israel must be able to stop the United States from rushing into the war, for whatever reason. So far, the United States fully supports Israel's diplomatic mission in dealing with the Russo-Ukrainian war.

All of the above facts are sad for Ukraine. In plain view, the country of President Zelensky who was a Jew was on the verge of defeat in the Russia-Ukraine war.

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