JAKARTA - Pembangun Path Games mengumumkan bahwa judul gim horor terbarunya, Dark Mass akan diluncurkan untuk PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, dan PC melalui Steam pada musim fall 2026.
Dark Mass is a psychological horror game set in a luxury house submerged in water. Here, you will play Alice, an inland sea explorer with her brother Reed, discovering the ruins of an ancient ship.
However, behind the rubble, there is something much more creepy, a royal house lost in time, completely untouched even though it has been in a ravine for centuries.
Then, when Alice and her sister entered the building, she immediately realized that she was not alone. There is something to watch over her from the darkness.
Trapped in a rotting old hall, he has to unravel his past mysteries, solve dark ritual puzzles, and face the terrible truth that binds him to this place, "wrote the game's caption.
While exploring the deep sea and revealing the mystery through the puzzle, you can communicate with your brother Reed through a walkie-talkie system.
The breaking of unique challenges inspired by historical inquisitorial torture, said the secret of the palace's darkness, added the developer.
There is no exact date for the launch yet, but wait for further information in the future.
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