
JAKARTA – The Indian Space Research Agency (ISRO) announced that the Aditya-L1 satellite will soon enter the final stage of flight. This satellite is in preparation to enter the Lagrange point L1.

The Lagrange points are the perfect place for satellites to stop while in space. This point can keep the satellite balanced because the gravitational pull of the two masses around it is the same.

Lagrange has five points, ranging from L1 to L5. The satellite that ISRO operates targets an unstable point, namely L1. However, the view of the sun at that point is uninterrupted.

According to ISRO Chairman, S. Somanath, the Aditya satellite is still on its way and is preparing to enter the L1 region. However, this preparation was not short because it took almost two months.

"It is possible that on January 7 the final maneuvers can be carried out to enter point L1," said Somanath, quoted by VOI from HT Tech.

For your information, Aditya-L1 was launched on Saturday, September 2  with the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C57). This satellite will be placed in a strategic location to monitor the Sun.

Aditya-L1 will study and observe solar activity and its influence on space weather in real-time. This satellite carries seven payloads for observations of the Sun's photosphere, chromosphere, and corona.

Four of Aditya-L1's payloads will focus on observing sunlight and providing data to support research, while the other three instruments will focus on measuring plasma and magnetic fields around the Sun.

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