JAKARTA - Andalas University (Unand) cooperates with Huawei in increasing the digital capacity of students, so that it can meet the competency standards needed by the industry.
Through the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two parties, this collaboration is expected to create Unand graduates who are able to transform into industrial qualified people and are ready to work in the digital era.
Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Prof. Nizam said, the virtual world and the real world have integrated into life in the digital era.
The use of various ICT solutions has become part of everyday life. In it there is economic activity, communication, social, culture to national security. Therefore, students must master qualified digital knowledge and capabilities. One example is cybersecurity," said Nizam, quoted Wednesday, November 22.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Andalas University, Prof. Yuliandri, also said that digital transformation has demanded industry players to involve information and communication technology (ICT) solutions in every business activity. Therefore, the world of education must be helped to keep pace with the development of the digital world which is moving very fast and dynamic.
"The ability and insight in the field of ICT is an important capital that must be owned by students so that they can become part of the 5.0 community in the digital era. As a forum for the transfer of ICT knowledge, Huawei ICT Academy can contribute greatly in preparing quality Unand students with digital competence," he said.
Huawei ICT Academy will train not only students, but also educators at universities to improve capabilities and insight in the field of digital technology, such as the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic systems to knowledge in cybersecurity.
This collaboration with Andalas University is part of Huawei's "I Do" responsibility and commitment which targets to create 100 thousand ICT human resources to support the acceleration of the government's digital transformation to realize the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision.
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