
South Korean internet service providers SK Broadband and Netflix Inc announced on Monday 18 September that they would end all lawsuits filed against each other. They previously had a dispute over whether Netflix should pay the costs of increasing network traffic and maintenance work.

SK Broadband and its parent, SK Telecom, announced in a joint statement with Netflix that they had agreed to form a partnership to release a joint product and look for ways to use artificial intelligence (AI) products under development by SK.

"In the future, the Broadband and Netflix Decreess will end all disputes with the signing of today's partnership, and collaborate as partners for the future," the statement said.

Spokesman for Netflix and SK Broadband said the two had withdrawn their demands.

Both sides have been in dispute since 2020 about whether content providers who generate large traffic volumes should pay network usage costs, or whether it will violate the 'netrality of the network' principle and lead to higher costs for consumers.

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