
JAKARTA - Agate, the largest technology and game developer company from Indonesia and PQube, a distributor and game publisher from England, continues its partnership by launching Project D or Project Dead.

Project D itself is PQube's newest IP project, where Agate is again trusted to be a partner in making this IP as a whole.

Through Project D, Agate and PQube will promise to provide an immersive gaming experience for players around the world.

"They (PQube) believe we are the best partners to develop their IP brands, and can deliver something for players," said Cipto Adiguno, Chief Strategy Officer of Agate at a Project D press conference on Wednesday, September 13 in Jakarta.

However, neither Agate nor PQube have revealed further details regarding this Project D. But for sure, Project D will be a game that brings together various genres.

"PQube and Agate see from our market there have been several very well-known titles in the past, bringing together several genres to one. But now that genre doesn't exist anymore. So after we thought about it, Agate and PQube will take the expertise of both of us to bring this new game," said Cipto further.

Cipto also hasn't revealed when this game will be released. He promised to provide more details about Project D in the future.

"It can't be spilled yet. Maybe we'll let you know when the target is tight. Because if it's passed or earlier (the launch), we'll let you know further," he replied to the media.

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