JAKARTA - In January 2023, according to data released by Satista.com, about two billion users access the WhatsApp instant messaging application every month. This application has a strong penetration of usage, especially outside the United States, and is one of the most popular mobile social apps worldwide.
Meanwhile, WeChat from China managed to raise more than 1.3 billion users, while Facebook Messenger has around 930 million users worldwide.
Instant messages are a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission via the internet. Since the advent of smartphones and explosions of mobile apps, low-cost or free messaging and social chat applications have proven to be a cheaper alternative to operator-based text messages via SMS. Many messaging apps offer features such as group chats, image exchange, videos, and even audio messages, as well as stickers or emoticons.
In the data report, other messaging apps are also seen gaining significant popularity, such as Telegram with 700 million users, Snapchat with 635 million users, and QQ with 574 million users. This phenomenon reflects the importance of digital communication in the daily lives of many people around the world.
In addition, instant messaging communication has become an integral part of today's digital culture, with applications such as WhatsApp, WeChat, and Facebook Messenger playing an important role in connecting people around the world.
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