JAKARTA - The new practice of buying and selling online Social Commerce (S-Commerce) is currently becoming a trend, especially in Indonesia. But unfortunately, many people take advantage of this trend to commit fraud.
Responding to this new phenomenon, Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi said that Kominfo will prioritize protection for consumers and continue to facilitate people's creativity in utilizing digital platforms.
"So we are indeed reviewing this new development phenomenon. But on the one hand, we also want the community to be protected, not to let this S-Commerce become a fraud event," he said at a press conference Thursday, July 10 at the Kominfo office.
The new Minister of Communication and Information also stated that the government would not immediately prohibit it, but to review the rules first with other ministries and institutions, so as not to harm many parties.
"Try not to kill people's creativity in building businesses. Like people who produce and buy takjil online through WhatsApp in a limited community. Such transaction practices require wise studies and regulations," he said.
On the other hand, the Director General of Informatics Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Semuel A. Pangerapan, explained that currently there are two forms of S-Commmerce, namely facilitated by digital and personal platforms.
"What is facilitated by digital platforms, the arrangements are included in the E-Commerce regulations. However, this private S-Commerce one is currently being studied," he said.
Director General Semuel reminded the public to be observant in transactions using personal S-Commerce. According to him, the public must be observant and always re-check in order to avoid fraud.
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