
JAKARTA - The President of the United States, Joe Biden, will discuss artificial intelligence (AI) with a group of Silicon Valley experts on June 20 during a campaign fundraising visit in California.

The US president will meet with at least eight experts, including leading researchers and experts in AI security. According to an official statement from the White House, the topic of discussion will be related to "Biden's government commitment to taking advantage of opportunities and managing the risk of artificial intelligence."

Based on a report from The Associated Press, the list of participants attending included Jim Steyer, founder of Common Sense Media; Tristan Harris, co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology; Fei-Fei Li, co-director of Stanford's Human-Centred AI institute; Joy Buolamwini, founder of the Algorithmic Justice League; and Sal Khan, founder of the Khan Institute.

I sat down with experts at the intercept of technology and society who provided a range of perspectives on AI's anonymous promise and risk. In the permission of this moment of technology change, we also need to manage the risk.My Administration is on it.

The group stands out because of the efforts of individual members in the fields of education, policy, security, and hazard mitigation. Previous meetings with White House officials also involved CEOs of several of the largest companies in the global AI sector, including representatives from Google, Microsoft, and Anthropic.

Biden met with the experts at 16.00 Pacific time on June 20, in a series of discussions attended by the president at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. The event will be broadcast live on the official White House YouTube channel.

Recently, the United States Senate met with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, IBM chief privacy and trust officer Christina Montgomery, and Gary Marcus from New York University in a hearing to discuss AI policies.

In his testimony, Altman expressed his belief that the United States government should form a federal regulatory agency that provides supervision, license, and accountability for the growing AI sector.

While Marcus agrees with the view, IBM's Montgomery disagrees, stating that their company believes Congress should take a more specific approach to AI governance.

The discussion about AI comes at a time when the United States government does not yet have a comprehensive strategy to regulate AI development and production.

While Europe, China, and Britain have issued or are considering a law that includes a comprehensive regulatory package for the AI sector, the United States is still lagging behind both in comprehensive cryptocurrency and AI regulations.

Distinguishing these two sectors is becoming increasingly difficult, as AI is now the basis for many cryptocurrency, blockchain and Web3 industries.

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