
JAKARTA - It would be annoying if you continued to receive negligible emails from the same sender. Fortunately, in Gmail you can delete all emails from one sender easily.

Here are some ways you might try at home:

Select All Emails From The Sender

This first way is probably the easiest way to delete every email from a given sender. All you need to do is open your Inbox and then right-click on one of the emails you receive from the sender. After, in the context menu, select your email from the Sender.

From there, Gmail will now compile a list of all emails received from the sender. To delete all emails, check the Select option which is placed on the sender's name. Then, click the Delete button.

Use Search Tabs to Find Emails

Another method that you can try to find every email you receive from a given account is to use a search tab.

So, you just need to enter from: [Sender Name] then click Enter. After that you will see a list of every email you have received from the sender. To delete it, check the Select box and click Delete.

Remove All Email Using Filters

Another way is to use filter features. In this way, you can identify email based on subject, certain words, or whether they have or don't have an attachment quickly. Here's how:

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