
JAKARTA - Twitter has confirmed a security error that caused tweets shared with selected people via Twitter Circle to appear to the public.

This problem was first reported in April. However, the social media company owned by Elon Musk only confirmed the issue now, via email sent to Twitter Circle users.

In April 2023, security incidents may have allowed users outside your Twitter Circle to view tweets that should be restricted to the circle where you are posting, "the email said, citing TechCrunch.

Problems that arise to Twitter Circle users are not that big, but this problem can cause users discomfort. Where tweets shouldn't be seen by the public, but instead appear on everyone's timeline.

According to a TechCrunch report last month, Circle users said that people outside their Circle liked their personal tweets, and this was very unpleasant.

However, in the email Twitter also claimed that the bug had now been fixed, and the team knew what the cause was. But the company did not explain what caused it to the public.

On the other hand, over the past few days, Twitter has also experienced a lot of bugs. Among them is a bug where the old version of the blue tick holder can update their bio and a moment later get back the sign.

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