
JAKARTA - Not only business but digitization is also carried out by various sectors, including the agricultural sector which functions to make work more efficient so that it can produce better and more abundant crops.

According to the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, the use of technology and changing the ways of farmers to digitization will create precision agriculture.

"Agriculture in a previous way must be digitized, so that our farmers who hold smartphones have been trained to understand land conditions, consumption, even weather problems, such as Artificial Intelligence," said Syahrul at the Agrinnovation Conference held on Wednesday, March 15 in Jakarta.

Furthermore, Syahrul said that the application of technology and mechanization are very important parts to make the movement of actors in the agricultural sector effective, to produce more abundant crops.

However, he also emphasized that the use of technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI) does not mean that human work will be completely replaced by machines. However, there is still a lot of work that can still be done by other humans.

"So technology and mechanization are parts to streamline the movement, but that doesn't mean humans are replaced by machines. Our mothers can still do weeding, and so on," he concluded.

For information, the Agrinnovation Conference is a conference held to connect all stakeholders in the Indonesian agricultural sector, to empower agricultural ecosystems, and highlight innovation and technological development through digital transformation.

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