
JAKARTA - Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. To that end, Google Health is developing AI to improve accuracy and expand the availability of breast cancer screening.

With its new partnership with iCAD, a global leader in medical technology and cancer detection, Google licenses its mammography AI research model.

iCAD will work to validate and incorporate Google's mammography AI technology with its products for use in clinical practice, to improve breast cancer detection and short-term personal cancer risk assessment.

"By combining the strengths of our technology and teams, we are strengthening our fight against breast cancer and making a positive impact on the lives of patients and their loved ones around the world," said Stacey Stevens, President and CEO of iCAD, Inc. on the Google blog.

In the screening program Google Health's portfolio of iCAD breast imaging tools and AI mammography technology will give radiologists the opportunity to focus on their patients.

iCAD will also use Google Cloud's secure infrastructure, to increase access to AI-based tools in underserved areas where infrastructure is limited.

"This commercial partnership with iCAD underscores an inflection point in our mammography work. After several years of investment and deliberate research and testing, we are now ready to partner with iCAD to take the next step to integrate this technology into real-world clinical settings," said Greg Corrado, Head of Google's AI Health.

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