
JAKARTA - Throughout the day, bright blue scenery accompanied by white clouds decorates the Jakarta sky. This phenomenon is quite rare, considering the heavy rains in the last few days.

The Twitter social media scene also shared views of clear skies in a number of areas in Jakarta. Clusters of thick clouds in the clear sky begin December 2020.

Although many netizens have immortalized it, the view of Jakarta's clear sky today is not caused by sky or weather phenomena. Head of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) Thomas Djamaluddin said the blue sky of Jakarta was an ordinary weather dynamic.

"That is the dynamic of ordinary weather, there is no specific incident (the cause of Jakarta's clear sky)," said Thomas in his short message to VOI, Tuesday, December 1.

But he explained that this clear sky condition would not last long. This is because most parts of Indonesia have entered the end of the transition season.

"It's sunny because it happens that there are no clouds. But it could be that in the next area there are clouds. Currently it is still the end of the transition, the transition from dry to rainy season. The formation of clouds is not too much, so sometimes it is sunny," he explained.

BMKG satellite image Tuesday 1 December (doc. BMKG)

Based on monitoring data from the Meteorology, Climatology, Geophysics Agency (BMKG), clear sky conditions have also occurred in a number of other areas, such as Bogor and Bekasi. Weather throughout Jakarta was observed to be cloudy with an average temperature of 23 to 31 degrees Celsius and humidity of 75 to 95 percent.

Even so, the clear sky conditions in Jabodetabek are not fixed. Meanwhile, light rain is expected to hit several areas of DKI Jakarta at night, including West Jakarta, Central Jakarta, North Jakarta, and the Thousand Islands.

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