
JAKARTA - Car manufacturer Stellantis and inter-Uber service service announced a joint partnership with Free2Move companies to focus on the electric vehicle market in France.

The company said in a joint presentation on Tuesday, September 27 that Free2Move will assist Uber in Uber's plans to convert its 50% vehicle fleet in France to electric models.

Production and sales of more electric and hybrid vehicles are also an important part of a plan set in March by Stellantis Chief Executive Carlos Tavares to double Stellantis' overall revenue to 300 billion euros per year by 2030.

In August, Uber reported positive quarterly cash flow for the first time and forecast a third-quarter operating profit above forecast, as more people rely on its services for transportation and ordering food.

The cooperation is believed to strengthen both sides, as sales of Stellantis will boost while Uber will have more fuel-efficient service.

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