
JAKARTA - Bad cyber actors are acting again, this time they are taking advantage of Queen Elizabeth II's death to launch a phishing attack on the target.

A team from security service firm Threat Insight Proof said the bad actor would carry out a phishing attack by sending an email claiming to be from Microsoft. Then they asked for help from people to make such interactive AI posters in honor of His Majesty Elizabeth II.

If the target clicks on the link included in the fake email of the campaign, the user will be directed to a page designed to look like the original Microsoft website.

On the other hand, it is a credential collection page with the aim of collecting personal data from people.

The attack uses a platform known as EvilProxy, allowing threat actors to bypass multi-factor authentication (MFA).

"Messages that are claimed to come from Microsoft and invite recipients to artificial technology centers to respect them," said the Threat Insight Proof team.

In response to this, the UK National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC) recently warned of an increased risk of cybercriminals exploiting the Queen's death for their own gain in phishing attacks and other scams.

"Like all major events, criminals may be trying to exploit the death of the Queen for their own benefit. While NCSC, which is part of GCHQ, has not seen extensive evidence of this, as you normally should be vigilant," NCSC said.

"You need to pay attention to the emails, text messages, and other communications regarding the death of the Queen and the funeral arrangements," he added.

Launching Windows Central, Friday, September 16, phishing scams often take advantage of trending topics to trick people.

With so many companies expressing their condolences to Queen Elizabeth II and her family, it makes sense for Microsoft to do so too.

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