
JAKARTA - With the vision of developing renewable energy technology, the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of a cooperation agreement with the National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang, Tuesday, August 9.

Through this cooperation agreement, the government can build synergy with the academic community to develop technology that provides benefits from an economic perspective as well as in terms of environmental conservation.

"The government, in this case represented by KSP, will encourage superior human resources in the fields of science and vocational education to innovate in creating renewable energy technology," said Deputy II of the Presidential Chief of Staff, Abetnego Tarigan, in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 10.

Earlier in March, Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko expressed his appreciation for the innovative environmentally friendly works produced by ITN Malang.

In fact, Moeldoko also inaugurated the 0.5 MWp/500 KWp Solar Power Plant (PLTS), the result of collaboration between ITN Malang and the private sector. The PLTS is the largest campus-scale solar plant in Java, and the second largest in Indonesia.

So, continued Abetnego, the technological innovations created, one of which will be used for people in eastern Indonesia and 3T areas (frontier, outermost, lagging) are still lacking in electricity supply.

"So, people can enjoy electricity based on renewable energy and these areas can become energy independent areas," he added.

Currently, ITN Malang already has a Research and Technology Innovation Center for new and renewable energy. Some of the innovation tools that have been produced include artificial intelligence based solar trackers, smart home systems based on solar energy, air to water conversion tools, wind turbines and water turbines, solar thermal energy collectors, as well as smart super chargers for fast charging of electric motorcycle and car batteries. powered by solar energy.

KSP itself is tasked with ensuring the benefits of the government's national strategic program reach all levels of society.

Therefore, support for renewable energy technology innovation is one of KSP's efforts in overseeing welfare distribution programs, community empowerment and environmental conservation.

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