
JAKARTA - Twitter has officially gone to court. A US-based social media company reportedly hired Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, a fairly well-known law firm. Even the firm owns its own Wikipedia page because of its credibility.

The firm's founder partner, Martin Lipton, was previously known for creating a shareholder rights plan for the "toxic pill" defense that Twitter initially used to put brakes on Musk's purchase efforts.

On Friday, July 8, Elon Musk submitted a document to try to overturn the USD 44 billion takeover of Twitter. In response, Twitter chairman Bret Taylor tweeted that the company would take legal action to close the deal as previously agreed.

The recruitment of Wachtell Lipton, as reported by Bloomberg, shows that Twitter is serious about debating its case at the Delaware Court of Chancery.

Twitter hired two key lawyers for its team. One of them is William Savitt, who has represented big companies like Anthem and Sotheby's in Delaware court against activist investors.

Another lawyer is Leo Strine, former Chancellor of Delaware Chancery Court with 20 years of experience as a judge in state courts. He retired as the state Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, before he joined the firm in 2020.

Instead, Musk has hired control Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, who has also received credit himself on the Wikipedia website. They have handled Samsung's defense of an Apple patent lawsuit claiming the Galaxy device was just a clone of the iPhone. They have also defended Musk, for example, in the case of defamation of "pedo guy", as well as after tweets "funds are guaranteed" about Tesla's takeover to private in the case against the SEC and the ongoing shareholder lawsuit.

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