
JAKARTA - Google is one of the masters of technology that likes to track its users to target ads to them. However, now the company has confessed to repentance.

Google generated $65.1 billion in revenue during Q3 2021, up 41 percent from a year earlier.

But according to the company, maintaining a business is difficult and governments around the world, driven by many competitors and foes, are now starting to look skeptically at the surveillance business.

They prefer Google to serve ads that are a little more useful. In response to this, Google will initially bring in Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), a controversial project that seeks to continue to provide advertisers with the same level of information but in an anonymous form.

Unfortunately, Google canceled plans for FLoC by proposing the Topics API, a new system for interest-based advertising. Topics will work by showing the user's five interests.

For example, such as Sports or Travel and Transport, based on user web activity, as measured by sites participating in Topics for one week.

In essence, the plan is to group the web into 350 topics and will expand as the program launches, and when a user reaches one of those topics, their identity is associated with that topic.

Google says the groups are harmless, interests such as travel or sports, and will not be based on sensitive personal topics such as race or gender. The topic itself is kept for three weeks and then deleted.

Currently, the company is building tools to allow users to view and delete topics, as well as turn off the feature. The company plans to launch a developer trial for Topics on Chrome, but there's no information on exactly when it will begin.

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