
YOGYAKARTA The existence of space save tires on cars can be done in an emergency condition. However, not all vehicle owners know the exact use. One of the things to consider is the safe distance using space save tires. This article will provide information to you regarding the use of space save spare tires.

Reserve space save tires are spare tires or reserves that are smaller than the standard version but can be used as a substitute for the main tire. Manufacturers deliberately provide space save tires with various destinations, one of which is to save space so that it can be placed in a limited place in the car like under baggage.

The size of the space save tire itself does not have definite benchmarks. In some types of cars, the size of the space save tire wheels is wider than the standard version but uses a much thinner width of the rubber tire tread. However, there is also a space save tire whose wheels are smaller.

However, in Indonesia, regulations related to spare tires are regulated in Government Regulation Number 55 of 2012 Article 47 paragraphs 1 and 2, it is said that the shape and size of the reserve tire must be the same as the standard tire size. The size of the spare tire may be smaller than the standard tire as long as the diameter of the spare tire must be the same so that the car does not limp when driving on the road.

Because it has the status of a spare tire, the type of space diver tires is not recommended to be installed and used as standard tires. This is because the existing limits on space save tires are both in size and in rubber materials used. What is clear is that spare space save tires can only be imposed during emergency conditions.

The space save tire remains safe to use in emergency conditions but in some conditions. For example, the use of this tire can be used with a maximum distance of 100 kilometers. However, there are also those who only recommend the use of the serep space saver 80 to 110 kilometers.

The limit also applies to the maximum speed of cars that use space save emergency tires, which is a maximum of 80 kilometers per hour.

As explained earlier, the space diver reserve tire does not have the resilience as the standard tire does. Drivers must know how to use a car with space save tires, which is as follows.

The use of spare space diver tires on cars can interfere with traction control and Anti-lock Braking System (ABS). Both are important to maintain the safety of car drivers, especially on slippery road terrains and avoid accidents.

It is recommended to reduce the burden on the side of the car using space save tires. You can move luggage such as bags on the other side of the car. If possible, passengers are also advised to change seats.

It is not allowed to use spare space save tires in not long times. In addition, it is also not recommended to patch the space save tires considering that the rubber material used on this type of tire is different from standard tire rubber.

That's information related to safe distance using space save tires. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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