
JAKARTA - In order to support the sustainability of an environmentally friendly ecosystem, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) applies the concept of Green Curriculum in its education program at the Toyota Indonesia Academy (TIA).

Nandi Julyanto, as President Director of TMMIN, said that the creation of a comprehensive transfer of the electrification industry requires a superior production process and human resources.

"Not only implementing a green manufacturing system in the production line, but also TMMIN initiated the green curriculum concept, namely the education curriculum that implements green technology or environmentally friendly technology in its learning," said Nandi in a statement received by VOI, Saturday, October 14.

He added that this program also discusses several environmental issues that have become a shared responsibility in helping the Indonesian government's efforts to achieve carbon neutrality in the future.

According to Nandi, TIA continues to change in order to answer the challenges of technological developments in the industry that are taking place quickly. Furthermore, in the 2nd year all TIA students are given a one-year apprenticeship program in the industrial environment in order to increase their experience in adapting to the electrification industry.

By 2025, this Education program will set several targets including improving quality through the introduction of advanced manufacturing technology, implementation in the curriculum in the process can contribute to producing superior workers who can become team leaders in their respective fields of work.

Meanwhile Bob Azam, as Vice President Director of TMMIN, said that the transformation of the automotive industry is electrified not only through the presence of environmentally friendly vehicles, but also the presence of expert human resources who have broad digitalization insight.

"The hope is that the acceleration of TIA graduates to reach the level of leaders in the production line will be faster," said Bob.

Showing its existence in 2016 until now, TIA has given birth to 255 human resources who are experts and have applied their knowledge both in TMMIN and in terms of supply chains.

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