JAKARTA - This year marks Porsche's 75th anniversary, and to celebrate it, Broad Arrow Auctions held a special auction featuring the 75 most iconic Porsche models and can be collected.
The auction will take place on June 10 at the Porsche Experience Center in Atlanta, Georgia, and will be broadcast live online featuring a variety of Porsches, from classic to modern supercar models from the most affordable price of around 20 thousand US dollars to the most expensive 3.4 million US dollars.
Here are 3 classic Porsche cars that were also auctioned.
1964 Porsche 356 SC 1600 Cabriolet
The most significant increase in this car from its predecessor was using the 'SC' 1600 cc engine with a higher compression ratio and an equilibrium engkol axis which allowed it to generate 95 dk of power, the engine being the most powerful engine Porsche had ever produced in its time.
GMP Performance has refreshes Porsche, which has a red color with a black leather interior, including four-wheeled disc brakes, ZF steering devices, and a 12-volt electrical system.
Price forecast: 225,000-250.000 US dollars (Rp3.3-Rp3.7 billion).
1964 Porsche 904 Carrera GTS
Porsche 904 marks the introduction of a Type 901 cylinder to the world of racing. This is the last production of 107 units manufactured with 180 dk powered Type 587/3 engines and using a Sebring racing exhaust system.
The car has served its owners in Southern California for 53 years and was recently restored by Emory Motorsports.
Price forecast: 2.4 - 2.8 million US dollars (Rp36 billion-Rp42 billion).
1967 Porsche 910
For the 1967 racing season, Porsche released 910, a significant evolution of 906. The auction is one of 27 units of the Porsche 910 produced.
Porsche carries a Type 901/21 2.0-liter six-cylindrical engine at 910 which is capable of producing 220-dk of power which turned out to be very successful in the then racing championship. It was recorded that 1967 Porsche 910 won the 1967 N\"urburgring 1000 Kms race,DAY Florio in 1967, and the 1967 European Hill Climbing Championship.
Featured prices: 2.8-3.4 million US dollars (Rp42 billion-Rp 51 billion).
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