
JAKARTA - Chairman of the MPR RI as well as Chairman of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) reminded all communities and automotive clubs to continue to maintain brotherhood. Avoid excessive support for presidential candidates ahead of the 2024 election.

On the occasion of Halal-bihalal of the Great Family of Indonesian Motorcycles (MBI) and Jeep Indonesia Owners (JIO), Bamsoet handed over a certificate of patent for the brand and logo of the Great Motor Indonesia (MBI) which had been registered at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, to the General Chairperson of the Republic of Indonesia Rio Castello and the Chairman of the Advisory Council of the MBI Basrizal Koto.

Bamsoet also appreciated the initiation of the Chairman of the Advisory Council of MBI Basrizal Koto and other Jeep lovers who have established the latest automotive community, Jeep Indonesia Owners (JIO) under the leadership of General Chair Oki, Secretary General Elta, and General Treasurer Bobby.

"The automotive community such as MBI, JIO, and others, is part of the social power of the Indonesian nation. Through the same hobby, we can collaborate, synergize, and work together to organize various positive activities that have an impact on national development. Such as touring, social service, to making joint efforts. Therefore, because it is still in the atmosphere of Eid al-Fitr 2023, we must forgive each other. From now on, our kilometers start from scratch again," said Bamsoet in a bihalal halal with MBI, in Jakarta, Sunday, April 30.

Also present were the Central IMI Trustees as well as the 8th Deputy Chief of Police, Komjen Pol (ret) Nanan Soekarna, Director of HOG, Anak Elang Jakarta Chapter Suherli, as well as entrepreneur and influencer John LBF.

Bamsoet also invited automotive lovers from various communities to share their joy in welcoming the 2024 General Election. The election, which is a people's party, must be greeted with joy, not being used as a event for the division of the nation.

"Anyone is free to choose a political party, legislative candidates, to presidential and vice presidential candidates according to their conscience. Differences in choice are common. Do not let different choices, instead make our bonds of brotherhood tenuous. The spirit of brotherhood in every automotive community must be an inspiration in dispelling various fighting efforts that are trying to be launched by various parties who want to divide our nation," concluded Bamsoet.

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