JAKARTA - Guns N 'Roses have officially separated from their drummer, Frank Ferrer. An official statement was uploaded via social media accounts on March 19.
Ferrer's departure from this legendary rock group is said to have happened well. After 19 years, he decided to leave for reasons that had not been revealed.
In his statement, GNR thanked the drummer who joined in 2006. They also hope that Ferrer will have a successful career in the future.
"Guns N' Roses announced the departure of Frank Ferrer, the longest drummer in their history, peacefully. The band thanks Frank for his strong friendship, creativity and presence over the past 19 years, and they wish him success in the next round of his musical journey," wrote the band account via social media.
Guns N 'Roses will still have several schedules in the next few months. One of them will appear at the Black Sabbath final concert at Villa Park, Birmingham next July.
However, it is not yet known who the person will replace his role in GNR. The former drummer, Matt Sorum, also admitted that he did not receive an invitation to their reunion.
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