
JAKARTA - Gusti Irwan Wibowo introduced a new single with the title 'Continue Our Struggle!'. This song will be the second release in 2024, after the single 'Cultiated by Cinta' which was launched last July.

Judging from the title, 'Continue Our Struggle!' such as struggle songs or socio-political criticism, especially with artwork and narratives uploaded on Instagram, which shows Gusti as an activist or propagandist.

But it's not Gusti if you don't present a gimmick. He doesn't talk at all about politics or social inequality in society, 'Continue our Struggle!' is a song that young people struggle to achieve their love.

"This song is a struggle for PT. The pursuit of Cinta Sejati," said Gusti, citing a written statement, Friday, December 13.

For him, fighting for love is like fighting for the country and nation. It takes sacrifice and consistency to love. In the end, it will bear fruit for the next new generation.

"Don't be discouraged in fighting for it. It takes consistency, blood and tears! We must unite whatever is in the way, we must not falter! Don't be discouraged! " said the 25-year-old musician.

'Continue your struggles, to step into medium struggles, then medium-half and full-face struggles. Then that flow will continue to repeat itself. So every generation is needed by breakthroughs who will take us to the next stage.'

Listening To 'Continue Our Struggle!' There is no need to think hard about the meaning in the lyrics. In fact, Gusti performed this song with an arrangement full of komedi.

For example, the narrative presented by Gusti is a trigger to find true love, while the music is a work of art to be enjoyed.

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