
JAKARTA - Rony Parulian marked his career as a singer with the debut single titled Why. The single, which was released on Friday, October 20 yesterday, is Rony's first step after becoming the third winner of Indonesian Idol 12.

In his first single, Rony chose the pop ballad genre which was assisted by Mario G. Klau and Tohpati. This song was also released under the Universal Music Indonesia label.

"One proud thing to be able to work with Mario and also Tohpati is because they are known as reliable musicians. Their works are also very beautiful," said Rony Parulian.

Song Kenapa merupakan sebuah single yang menceritakan perjuangan seorang-laki untuk bahagia bersama pasangannya meskipun itu bukan hal yang mudah.

"So this man will not give up on fighting for love for his partner, even though it is underestimated so that he does not get the blessing of various parties, the point is like that," said Rony again.

Rony's distinctive voice was accompanied by an orchestra with a string section at a slow tempo of tone. The song Why not be an anthem that is begging and offers something different.

Along with the song, Rony Parulian also released a music video that shows love stories from different backgrounds. The video shows Rony trying to make his girlfriend happy.

"Hopefully, this song can be heard by many music lovers in all of Indonesia and this can be a good start for me to have a career as a professional singer," said Rony Parulian.

Limat menikmati, dan yang relate mudah-mudahan ini juga bisa menjadi pendorong kalian untuk berjuang demi love, harap Rony.

Meanwhile, the single Why Rony Parulian can be listened to through digital streaming services.

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